Saturday, February 21, 2009

Seth Godin and Suction Cups

In this video, about 9-10 minutes in, Seth relates a story about suction cups on kids toys:

At my first job, one of my co-workers (Bill) came in with a huge bruise on his forehead one day. We asked what happened and he said he had banged it on a cupboard door. Only it didn't look like that. In fact one of my other colleagues (John) mentioned that it looked an awful lot like the blood blister he had gotten after he had stuck one of his kids bathtub toys with a large suction cup onto his forehead. When he had pulled it off it burst all the blood vessels.

Bill started to laugh. He had been victim of the same type of suction cup on his sons's toy...he hadn't wanted to tell us.

Those things should come with warning labels!

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